Weekend update!


I went to my Jenny weigh-in and… I’m down 3.2 lbs making it a grand total of 16.8 lbs! :) I have a quite a ways to go, but starting this week, I’m making my own breakfast and snacks. I’m not ready to go off Jenny food entirely since I do have 52.4 lbs more to lose, but this is the step in the right direction.

I went to brunch and stuck with two bowls of salad. Although I didn’t use dressing, I ate a small portion of this Broccoli-Cauliflower Salad that was so amazing. It had onions, bits of bacon, shredded cheese, and some kind of creamy dressing. I made sure to fill my bowl with 99% salad and the rest with the other mixture.

Clothes are fitting a littler loser now. Nothing that has me jumping for joy, but this is good progress. I noticed that my shirts are a little baggy, my shorts are a little loose around the thigh area, and my yoga pants aren’t as tight-fitting.


My husband and I walked to the track nearby our place. I didn’t realize how steep the hills were or else I would’ve maybe leaned towards driving. Still, we made the trek. He ran and I walked close to 2.5 miles. I think my legs wouldn’t be so sore right now if I didn’t have to do the uphill and downhill walk, but hey, this just goes to show I have so many muscles that need workin’ on.

I also purchased Rockin’ Body, which is one of Shaun T’s earlier dance/workout routines. I already did Hip Hop Abs and man do I feel embarrassed for sharing this, haha. He’s definitely a cheese-ball, but a good motivator/dancer so it works for me. I already did a couple of his routines and they were fun. I ended up working up quite a sweat so I consider this another successful purchase.

How was your weekend?

4 thoughts on “Weekend update!

  1. Way to go! I wondered about Shaun T’s workouts… I have a hard time staying motivated at home. I’d love to be able to though..and dancing is right up my alley. lol
    Your post is encouraging… thank you. :)

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